Angela Glajcar: "FLASHBACK"

The art of Angela Glajcar is characterized by the apparent lightness and poetic plasticity of her preferred material: the German artist designs wall objects, smaller and free-standing large-format sculptures and monumental installations, all made of paper. Inherent in the forms is an architecturally structured concept that arises in a fundamental dialogue with the space and is absorbed into the space. For these works the former industrial hall of Kunstraum Dornbirn offers a very attractive environment. The natural light streaming through its large lattice windows sets the mood and over the course of the day allows the paper surfaces and sculptural bodies to enter into an exciting, constantly changing reciprocal relationship with the space.

More information can be found here.

Angela Glajcar, FLSHBACK, Kunstraum Dornbirn 2024, Foto Günter Richard Wett, © die Künstlerin, courtesy der Künstlerin und bechter kastowsky galerie