Educational activities

Communicating the content of contemporary art is a central concern for us.
We try to emphasise this in various media and cooperative mediation formats.

Guided tours

Whether for the public “after-work tours” or in smaller, exclusive groups, for schools or companies: We are happy to provide an insight into the respective exhibition and our work. Just get in touch with us. All information can be found here.

“Reiseziel Museum”

A total of 51 museums in Vorarlberg, Liechtenstein and the canton of St. Gallen open their doors on three Sundays each summer and offer a special family programme. You can find more information here.

“Kindersommer im Stadtgarten” – Children’s summer in the Stadtgarten

Fun and games during a two-week programme in the Stadtgarten Dornbirn. inatura, Stadtmuseum Dornbirn, vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut and Kunstraum Dornbirn jointly invite children to one of Dornbirn’s most beautiful areas every year. Children between the ages of seven and eleven can spend two weeks with us from Monday to Friday as young researchers, artists and architects. The workshops can be booked individually, by the day or as a package, with or without lunchtime supervision.

Art educator Christa Bohle organises a workshop for the Kunstraum Dornbirn as part of the respective exhibition. You can find more information here.

Artists Conversations

Visitors have the opportunity to obtain first-hand information and background information from the curator and artists. The public talks usually take place one day after the opening of the exhibition. You can find more detailed information on the respective exhibition page.
For upcoming events please click here.
Please find some filmed interviews in our video section.

Exhibition catalogue

For each exhibition a catalogue is published, which contains articles from renowned authors, interviews with the artist, exhibition views as well biographies and information on further readings. Please click here for available catalogues.


A film is created for each exhibition which features the installation itself on-site, as well as interviews with the artists within the framework of the exhibition. Click here for video section.

Art Booklets

Kunstraum Dornbirn offers additional educational materials for students and their teachers. The art booklet is meant to provide easy access and new approaches to contemporary art. Thanks to the concept of Martin Oswald of the Pädagogischen Hochschule Weingarten, a small, versatile booklet containing numerous impulses and activities has been created. This booklet is free of charge and readily availible to kindergardens, schools, and visitors – plus online: click here.

For further information or questions please contact
Sina Wagner, T 0043 5572 55044 4834,