Lois & Franziska Weinberger

Wir sind des Baumes müde - We're tired of trees

Lois and Franziska Weinberger’s work deals with intermediate and outer areas, such as urban wastelands, every day objects, wild plants or weeds. The materials and colours used in their projects describe the margin between daily use and complete extinction. In doing so, the artist couple research and render, as well as work with poetic displacement and lead an interdisciplinary and differentiated dialog. Their versatile work – installations in public space, photographs, slides, models, drawings, archive and texts- challenge our society’s perception of nature and assign the artists an important position in the artistic discourse of contemporary nature discussion.  

Lois and Franziska Weinberger use the Kunstraum Dornbirn to install an information cube covered with large drawings, which serves as the focal points to connect their previous natural pieces and urban structures with cartographic language pictures. Due to the artist couple’s common usage of a wide range of different media, a digital version of the garden archive, as well as a model-like garden area, “which would have come into being, even without any additional artistic input”, were added to the video piece.


Lois & Franziska Weinberger
Wir sind des Baumes müde - We're tired of trees

Texte von Christoph Bertsch, Dieter Buchhart und Michael Hausenblas
Herausgeber Kunstraum Dornbirn
Zweisprachig (Deutsch/Englisch)
32 Seiten mit 30 Abb. in Farbe
Paperback. 21 x 29,7 cm
Euro 15,- / sFr 27,-
ISBN 3-936711-26-7
erschienen im Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 2004